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Fashion Revolution Day

We`re glad that even in these virus circumstances we had the possibility to spend Fashion Revolution Day with some events.
On 24th April we joined a decentralized flash-mob with making photos of ourselves holding a «Who made my clothes» poster. You can do it as well any time because it`s never too late to ask. All you need is a poster, then take a picture of yourself with the poster and then you can publish it on Instagram or Facebook with klzzwxh:0002whomademyclothes. It`s meant to draw attention to working conditions for sewers and to not let something similar to the Rana-Plaza tragedy 2013 happen again.
Also we had a very interesting and useful online presentation from Ukrainian-Russian art-activist project Shvemy. You can watch the video below and discover which actions are possible in the pool of labor rights, feminism and antimilitarism.
Follow us on different platform and stay helathy!

Impressions of the #whomademyclothes action








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